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Showing posts from August, 2020

National children's eye health and safety month

AUGUST MONTH OF CHILDREN’S EYE HEALTH AND SAFETY By NETHRA VIJAYAKUMAR August is dedicated to preventing eye injuries and vision loss and saving children’s eyesight. One of 20 children ages 3 to 5 has a vision problem that could result in permanent vision if left untreated. Despite this unsettling statistics, 80 percent of preschoolers do not receive an eye screening. Children’s Eye Health and Safety Awareness Month encourages parents to learn how to protect their child’s eyesight and save their child’s eyesight from vision threatening conditions through regular eye exams, hence early detection and proper treatment.  Routine Eye exams: As a patent it’s important to remember to include an annual eye screening. Your children’s eyes should be regularly examined during pediatric well-child visits beginning around the age of three. These screenings may help detect refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism as well as the following diseases: ...

Benefits of Dark chocolate

BENEFITS OF DARK CHOCOLATE By NETHRA VIJAYAKUMAR Dark chocolates are made from the seeds of cocoa tree which is one of the best antioxidants in the word. As per studies, dark chocolates are beneficial for your heart and overall health. Chocolate and happiness have been coupled together as a “love food”. Benefits of dark chocolate are as follows: It helps crub craving: Food craving is typically defined as frequent, intense desire to consume a particular type of food, which leads to weight gain by 11 percent says studies. Dark chocolate contains more than 70% cocoa.   Smelling and eating the dark chocolate can reduce the ghrelin levels (a hormone which stimulates the appetite and sends signals to your brain when you are hungry.) in your body which thus can suppress your cravings and ultimately help you lose weight. Consuming dark chocolate on a regular basis can increase your satiety levels and help you control your cravings. Even though chocolate is loaded with calories ...

Healthcare provisions of Coconut

HEALTHCARE PROVISIONS OF COCONUT By NETHRA VIJAYAKUMAR Coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm. It is used for its water, milk, oil and tasty meat. Thankfully, the misguided coconut era has come to an end. Coconuts have been grown in tropical regions for more than 4,500 years but recently increased in popularity for their flavor, culinary uses, and potential health benefits. Unlike many other fruits, that are high in carbs, coconut provides mostly fat. Coconut oil:  Nearly 90 percent of fat in coconut oil are saturated and they are healthy. Fifty-five to sixty-five percent of the saturated fat in coconut oil are medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which have been used as dietary supplements to improve nutrient absorption and sports performance. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which has been shown to help the body fight viruses. Coconut meat: Coconut meat is rich in phytosterols, cholesterol like compound found primarily in nuts and legumes, phytosterols have ...