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Nethra Vijayakumar

Healthy eating

According to WHO, Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in which disease and infirmity are absent. The key to a healthy diet is to eat right amount of calories and drink enough amount of water.

If you eat or drink more than the daily requirements, the individuals may gain weight as the energy which is not used is stored as fat in the adipose tissue, which is located beneath the skin. If you drink too little, you might lose weight.

The three macronutrients are carbohydrate (carbs), fats and peotein, which are needed in relatively large amounts. They provide calories and have various functions in your body.

Here are some common foods within each macronutrient group:
  • Carbohydrate: Provides 4 calories per gram. All starchy foods like potatoes, bread. Also includes fruits, legumes, juices, sugar and some dairy products.
  • Protein: Provides 4 calories per gram. Pulses, legumes, egg, dairy, meat and fish.
  • Fat: Provides 9 calories per gram. Nuts, seeds, oils, butter, cheese and fatty meat.
How much of each macronutrient you should consume depends on your lifestyle and goals as well as your personal preferences.

Micronutrients are important vitamins and minerals that you require in smaller doses. Some of the most common micronutrients you should include are as follows:

  • Magnesium: Plays a role in over 600 cellular processes, including energy production, nervous system function and muscle contraction.
  • Potassium: This mineral is important for blood pressure control, fluid balance and the function of your muscles and nerves.
  • Iron: Primarily known for carrying oxygen in the blood, iron also has many other benefits, including improved immune and brain function.
  • Calcium: An important structural component of bones and teeth, and also a key mineral for your heart, muscles and nervous system.
  • All vitamins: The vitamins, from vitamin A to K, play important roles in every organ and cell in your body.
All of the vitamins and minerals are "essential" nutrients, meaning that you must get them from the diet in order to survive.

A healthy diet or balanced diet is one that helps to maintain or improve overall health, with plenty of variety covering all the basic five food groups in suitable proportions.

The balanced diet includes food from these five groups:
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Grains
  • Proteins
  • Dairy
  • Oils
A balanced diet is important because your organs and tissues need proper nutrition to work efficiently. Without good nutrition, your body is more prone to disease, infection, fatigue and poor performance.

For example, eating healthy can drastically reduce your chances of developing heart disease and cancer, the world's leading killers 

A good diet can improve all aspects of life, from brain function to physical performance. In fact, food affects all your cells and organs.

If you participate in exercise or sports, there is no doubt that a healthy diet will help you to perform better.  
                                                      Nethra Vijayakumar


  1. Nice post about health, Nethra! ,If you drink too little, you might lose weight.
    thanks and keep up the good work, it’s very helpful.

  2. வாழ்க! வளர்க!
    உன் பயணம் தொடரட்டும் மகளே!

  3. Super da...all the best...for more posts

  4. Hi Nutritionist Nethra, ur blog is superb and I expect regular and detailed blogs like specific foods for specific cases and the local available foods with approximate quantity so that we can take it directly and see the results, anyways congrats for your wonderfull effort

    1. Thank you. Will be posting about specific foods in the upcoming post

  5. Good information about macro and micro nutrients need for our health.

  6. Hi Nethra ... Doing great job . Thanks for post such informative and necessary diet that v have to take in our daily life . .Keep posting. 👍

  7. Super Mam..Informative.. congrats Mam..

  8. Good information mam ����


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