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Maida - the silent killer


Plain flour is also known as refined flour because it is processed wheat flour or Maida.

Maida is finely refined flour which is made from wheat grains. The regular wheat grain has three different elements namely the germ, the bran, and the endosperm. The major nutrients and protein in wheat reside in the germ and the bran parts of the grains. But, maida is prepared from the endosperm part of wheat grain. Maida flour is made by finely milling this endosperm which does not offer any nutrients including protein. Maida is prepared by the extracts after separating 97% of the rich fiber for Wheat flour.

Refined flour (Maida) and its harmful effects:
Lack of nutrients:
The process of making refined flour makes it lose all the nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Also, the bleaching process that makes the colour white makes it harmful for the human gut.

Leads to weight gain:
It has been proven that maida cannot keep you full for longer. It stimulates hunger and pushes you to binge more. Also, it has high carbohydrates that increase secretion of insulin that leads to weight gain and obesity. It is high on glycemic index too, that has been linked to overeating.

Causes digestive issue:
It is also called ‘glue of the gut’ which has no fibre content, causes congestion and also slows down the overall digestive system that further leads to obesity, stress and constipation.

May lead to diabetes:
According to experts, refined flour is rich in alloxan, a compound that induces diabetes. It has been proven that refined flour has a high glycemic index that releases sugar in the blood and further spikes insulin. Regular consumption of flour may cause inflammation and type-2 diabetes.

Toxic chemicals used:
The refining procedure along with the bleaching make several toxic chemicals in maida flour. Certain chemicals are added to preserve the maida-rich foods which can prove detrimental for the body. Some of the chemicals are:

Alloxan and Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide, a bleaching agent is used which imparts the flour its white colour. Benzoyl peroxide is a harmful chemical which is put to use in tooth whitening products and hair dyes. In its concentrated form, it can be quite explosive. Another chemical, Alloxan is also added to provide the flour with a smooth texture. Animal testing has shown signs that alloxan can destroy pancreas’s beta cells, resulting in Type 2 diabetes.  The use of both these chemicals can adversely affect the health causing various health ailments like constipation, obesity, chronic inflammation.

Mineral Oil and Ajinomoto
Mineral oil is a spin-off of diesel, kerosene and petroleum. It is made use of as a preservative in maida-rich foods. Food fried using mineral oil can last for many days without getting spoilt as bacteria cannot survive in it. But the potential hazards of the toxic product make it an unsafe proposition.

Other Harmful Chemicals in Maida
Many maida-rich foodstuffs also contain possibly dangerous chemicals like benzoic acid and sodium meta bi-sulphate (SMBS) which can spur several health complications particularly in kids and pregnant women.

Healthy alternatives for refined flour:
Since refined flour (or maida) doesn't come with any nutritional value, it is best to switch to healthier options. Some alternatives can be:
• Whole wheat flour
• Millets like bajra, jowar, maize
• Ragi flour
• Rice flour
• Gram flour or besan
• Soy flour
Food products made from maida are widely available and consumed. It has increasingly become a part of our daily diet which is alarming. Such foods are not only fattening for the body but also very damaging as it can give rise to several diseases. Therefore, it is very vital to understand its harmful effects on health, limit its consumption and switch to healthier options.


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