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By Nethra Vijayakumar


Guava (Psidium guajava) is a crop of economic importance and is considered to be a poor man’s fruit in India. India is the world’s largest producer of guava producing 17,650,000 MT in 2011, followed by china, Thailand.

Therapeutic uses

·       Medical Properties and Composition of guava leaves, guava leaf tea has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities. These effects are probably due to the presence of phenolic compounds.

·       Studies have shown that gallic acid, catechin, and epicatechin inhibit pancreatic cholesterol esterase, which decreases cholesterol levels.

·       Catechins are important as a preventive treatment for diabetes type 2 and obesity. Quercetin has been associated to decreased mortality from heart disease and decreased incidence of stroke.

·       Naringenin and kaempferol can promote moderate cytostatic activity against all cell lines and kaempferol can be useful as anticancer.

·       Studies have found that taking 6mg of guava leaf extract daily resulted in reduced pain intensity and appeared to be more powerful than some painkillers.

·       The antibacterial agents in guava leaf tea gives excellent relief to toothache, mouth ulcers and gum inflammation. Chewing guava leaf along with cardamom is good for mouth hygiene and helps halitosis or bad breath.

·        Guava leaf tea helps prevent complex carbohydrates from turning into sugars, and also contain about 80% of water and rich in fiber, by which it helps speed up weight loss.

·       Guava leaves contain high levels of Vitamin C and iron, and a decoction of guava leaves is very helpful in relieving cough and cold as it helps get rid of mucus. It also disinfects the respiratory tract, throat and lungs.

·       Vitamin B3 (Niacin) and Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) content in guava leaves helps to improve blood circulation to the brain, stimulate cognitive function and relax the nerves





  1. Useful information given in modern culture society...ancestors used to give this type of information...congrats, a great day ahead


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